Production company - UNIT9. Agency - Doremus SF. Client - HP. An interactive asset showcasing the benefits of HP's Application Performance Management solutions, highlighting how the service can benefit a typical real-world user.
I tech-led the project for UNIT9, leading a team varying from 4-6 developers. I was responsible for all technical decisions, workload and developer management, as well as representing the project tech in all interactions with agency and end client. I was also responsible for coding the core app architecture.
Technical deets
The site is a fully responsive, single-page application. Built on Backbone, jQuery, Underscore, CoffeeScript, Sass. Data is served from a custom, fully localisable CMS, serving static JSON over a REST API. The site uses a subtle parallax effect on all pages, based on mouse position on desktop, and gyroscope data on any device that has one. It also relies on a number of JS plugins, such as TweenLite, Spin JS and Hammer JS, amongst others.