About me
Well hello there, nice to see you, how do you do... My name is Neil and I like the Internet. I like to try and make interesting and nice looking websites.
I also like cats, but I can't have one because my flat isn't big enough.
Please have a look around, peruse some of the recent projects and experiments I've been working on or read some thoughts on web design and development. If you feel like getting in touch for any reason, use this lovely form, or any of the other social things.
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Fully responsive, single-page, interactive site for the Resonate conference 2015 - bringing together artists to drive a forward-looking debate on the position of technology in art and culture.
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Wow I haven't written anything on here in a while. Need to sort that out... Anyhoo, this is just a quick note on how I use CSS preprocessors with browser feature-detection for neat and tidy graceful degradation.
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Should be 3 recent Flickr pics here... but they don't seem to be loading (make sure you have JavaScript enabled), see me on Flickr here instead. See moreContact